Additional Subscription Options

Group & Corporate Subscriptions

Your business relies on access to high-quality journalism and breaking news alerts. The Daily Memphian is of Memphis, not just in Memphis, and offers inside access to the local business community.

Keep your employees up to date on the latest developments, trends, and industry news impacting your business with our group subscription program.

Whether you provide subscriptions to your executive team, or offer unlimited access to your entire organization, we have solutions to meet your needs.

Please contact us ( to request additional information.

Colleges & Universities

Group subscription programs are available for academic institutions that seek to provide access to high-quality, local journalism within their campus library or to all students, faculty, and staff.

Our academic programs offer discount pricing through group subscription rates and campus-wide licensing options.

Please contact us ( to request additional information.


Access for Schools & Libraries

Pre K-12

We’re committed to providing complimentary access to teachers and schools within our community.

If you would like to set-up access for your school, please email us ( or call 901-501-NEWS (6397) option 5, and our support staff will be happy to assist you. 

Other Community Locations

We’re also committed to providing free access to others who can't or shouldn't pay for The Daily Memphian. Please contact us at to learn more. 


Our content is accessible from any library within Shelby County. If you can’t access service from your local library, please have them email us ( or call 901-501-NEWS (6397) option 5, and our support staff will be happy to help.


Gift Subscriptions

Providing access to locally-produced news makes a great gift. Click here to purchase a gift subscription for your loved ones or call 901-501-NEWS (6397) option 5 to place your order.


Financial Assistance

Worried you can’t afford service? We’ve got you covered.

In addition to providing access at every library within Shelby County, we also provide assistance to those with limited means.

We feel that every person in our community should have access to high-quality, local journalism and our generous donors agree.

Please email us ( or call 901-501-NEWS (6397) option 5 to set-up your subscription.